News papers- Their Purpose and Reach.Newspapers are the life line of a nation and pulse of a society.News papers- Varied Audience Interest
News papers- Carry Static Messages Print media lets client’s present static advertisements to their consumers, as compared to radios and televisions, which deliver floating messages. This means that if you are able to attract the attention of readers, you may be able to lay out an effective copy that creates awareness among them about your brand or tempts them to buy those. Another important advantage that newspapers and magazines offer unlike any other medium is that it allows you to explain your product’s benefits. Your advertisement can feature a combination of both copy and visuals. In some cases, readers get multiple messages from your advertisement. News papers- Their Purpose and Reach. Newspapers are the life line of a nation and pulse of a society. News papers- Varied Audience Interest
News papers- Carry Static Messages Print media lets client’s present static advertisements to their consumers, as compared to radios and televisions, which deliver floating messages. This means that if you are able to attract the attention of readers, you may be able to lay out an effective copy that creates awareness among them about your brand or tempts them to buy those. Another important advantage that newspapers and magazines offer unlike any other medium is that it allows you to explain your product’s benefits. Your advertisement can feature a combination of both copy and visuals. In some cases, readers get multiple messages from your advertisement.
Positive Publicity School Bus Advertising and Branding brings to your consumers the humane side of your business and thus wins their hearts. Sponsoring a school bus tells your customers you are a partner in social initiative like education. Goodwill like this is a powerful tool for promotion of opportunities associated with school/private sector partnerships. Moreover, it also allows you to play a role in catering a social responsibility.
Unprecedented Reach Your advertisement will be seen by parents, students, educators, educated people from the field of academics and education and definitely consumers on the go everywhere the buses reach. School buses ply on roads, on highways, at intersections, traffic signals, driving through neighborhoods, at bus stops and before schools. Imagine your brand message positioned where customers can see it day and night. You can choose to highlight your advertisements for maximum exposure ensuring definite viewing.
Another unique aspect of School Bus advertising is Bus wrap. The viewers are attracted towards a bus wrapped from top to bottom in an eye-catching and flashy advertisement. With improvement in production methods and technology, it can only be hoped that the cost of generating such bus wraps will reduce further, making them more affordable. With unbeatable value and tremendous impact, bus advertising is a smart choice to complement almost any marketing program. Your message can reach more people, for a longer period of time and at a lower cost than other forms of media in the Mumbai, Thane and Navi-mumbai. Maximum Exposure Most school buses are in use 8-10 hours daily. They cover distances on the by lanes of entire society, plying through residential as well as commercial areas, driving to and from schools and field trip destinations. These buses are also assigned activity buses travel in evenings and on weekends like sporting events, marriages, band events and more. They frequently cross county state lines travelling even long distances. So choose School Bus Advertising to promote your business and drive your message home locally and expand your brand awareness for miles across!